The Original Kings of Comedy

Look, it's much better this time.
Isn't it? He acts much better now.
Let's try one more time.
Right, a little bit more, more,
being stabbed.

Maybe I can help you this way.
This is working, tears come out now.
Look clearly, remember this expression,
remember this feeling.

Do remember this, get it?
Let's go.
What about own "Thunder Storm" tomorrow.
No rehearsal needed for "Thunder Storm".
We will come for sure,
promise is a promise!

I'll bring hundreds of people
to watch your play as well.

- It's a deal.
- Just don't worry.

Get into position.
Granny, you stepped on someone.
I didn't step on anyone.
You just couldn't feel when you
stepped on him, look at his foot.

Yes, he's sweating as well.
Give me some money and I'll
send him to the hospital.

I have no money.
Look at him, he's dying.
I only have $100 left.
Give me, that $100.
Let's move!
Granny, you've dropped some money.
Really good luck.
- Are you free tomorrow?
- What is it?

"Thunder Storm" is on show
at Neighbour Theatre.

"Thunder Storm"? Good!
