The Original Kings of Comedy

Dare you play with my bird?
Don't you know me?

Don't come near...
It hurts...
Don't talk with me,
pretend we're at a duel.

Make a call...pretend calling for help.
I want to go home.
You must act on until I shout cut.
- You must be profession.
- I want to go home.

It's a day.
They're gone.
Don't be afraid, they're gone, all gone.
Take a chopper and a rush there,
get some fame.

What's wrong?
That scoundrel is still there.
Concentrate! you're scoundrel too,
show some anger!

I want to eat ice-cream.
Bastard! Show some anger!
You needn't do that.
Forget it, I fear you now.
What's up? You acted very well.
What has happened?
He acted really well to get this.
He managed to collect $20.
Why are you still crying?
You managed to get $20 protection money
in front of a temple.

You're making a fame for yourself.
You do look like a hero.
