The Patriot

Yes, sir.
Fire the house and barns.
Let it be known if you harbor
the enemy you will lose your home.

By order of King George...
...all slaves of the American colonies
who fight for the Crown...

...will be granted their freedom
with our victory.

We`re not slaves. We work this land.
We`re freedmen.

Then you`re freedmen who will have
the privilege...

...of fighting in the king`s army.
Rebel dispatches, sir.
Who carried this?
Who carried this?!
l did, sir.
l was wounded.
These people gave me care.

They have nothing to do
with the dispatches.

Take this one to Camden.
He is a spy.

Hang him, put his body on display.
He`s a dispatch rider.
Destroy the livestock.
Save the horses for the Dragoons.

Colonel, this is a uniformed
dispatch rider carrying a marked case.

He cannot be held as a spy.
Well, we won`t hold him.
We`re going to hang him.
