The Patriot

...some of the children, they had....
We buried them all,
what was left of them.

We caught up with them
at Fort Wilderness.

We took our time.
We cut them apart slowly.
Piece by piece.
l can see their faces.
l can still hear their screams.
All but two. We let them live.
We sent the heads on a pallet...
...with the two that lived
back to Fort Ambercon.

The eyes, tongues, fingers...
...we put in baskets.
Sent them down the Asheulot
to the Cherokee.

Soon after, the Cherokee broke
their treaty with the French.

That`s how we justified it.
We were...
And men bought you drinks.
Not a day goes by where l don`t ask
God`s forgiveness for what l did.
