The Replacements

Let's go, let's go!
There can only be one leader out
there, all right? you be it

-That's where I stand
-No, it's not

-That's my spot in the huddle
-It's not

-Get to your spot
-Let's go, chopstick!

Let's play football! What do you say?
-It's my spot now!
-Not for long, you tub of rice shit!

What's the problem?
you can't do jack shit!
-Pork rice!
-I'm Japanese, not Chinese!

Don't mess with my brother
What's going on?
Something seems to be going on
in the huddle.

Falco's on his back.
-Come on

They haven't had a play yet
and Falco's down.

He got hit by his own guy! He was
looking out his earhole for a minute!

This isn't a good sign.
-Am I hurt already?
-Near knocked your head off

Let's go
Come on, get it together!
I'm the quarterback I'm the only one
who talks in the huddle

-But he was in my spot
-I don't care!

Now huddle up
If you've got something to say,
raise your hand

Is that understood?
Suppose you don't feel good
Or you're hurt

Tell me before the huddle starts

Okay, here we go
DC Right, Switch 25 Blast--
-To the left?
-The right

The left!
Be quiet or they'll hear us,
and then what?

Play game!
