The Skulls

Lucas McNamara,
this way, please.

I'm Judge Litten Mandrake,
and on behalf of the council,

In any fellowship,
you need someone you can trust,

someone to be there
always and for anything.

A soul mate.
And my soul mate
is Senator Ames Levritt,
class of'72.

Gentlemen, you've been
arranged in pairs.
Soul mates.

Each soul mate was chosen
to complement the other...

and to accept responsibility
for the other.

Mr. Wheeler.
Mr. Pitcairn.

- Thank you.
- Open them.

Our member ship, like life,
has its pleasures,

its hardships...
and sometimes its pain.
But unlike life,
the connection between you
is eternal.

Let this seal the bond
between you.

Be silent as you endure.
Well done. Gentlemen,
put on your watches.

With the council
as your witnesses,
you have now becomes oulmates.

And now, gentlemen,
the rules.

[ Together ]
We live by the rules,
we die by the rules.

[ Levritt ]
Read your rule book.
