The Spring

- Can you ollie?
- Yeah, I can ollie.

- [Engine Revs]
- [Beeping]

Come on, man.
I'm trying to practice.
Look out!
Stay down.
- [Screams]
- Are you all right?

Oh, man!
[People Shouting]
- My leg!
- It's all right. Stay calm.

Somebody call an ambulance!

Nick? He's my son.
He's my son!

- Dad, my leg!
- I'm a doctor. Let me look at him.

- Hold still.
- Just breathe.

- The cable broke.
- It hurts so much, Dad!

Okay. Just relax.
- Well, it could have been worse.
- Hi. Mr. Conway?

So Nick's gonna be fine, but his
left tibia and his fibula are broken.

- Tibula?
- The bones in your lower leg.

- Otherwise, he's okay.
- Yes.

But there's a lot of swelling,
so we'll have to wait till it
goes down before we can cast.

- How long?
- Hopefully tomorrow,
maybe the day after.

You'll have to stay put until then.
- I guess river rafting's out.
- I guess so.

If you get your cast wet,
a very itchy, stinky, gross mold...

will eat away all of your skin.
Dr. Weston's a fine doctor.

She'll have him fixed up
as good as new, right, Sophie?

I'll try.
If you have a moment, Mr. Conway,
we'll need a statement.

- Insurance, you know.
- What do you need?

I have all the paperwork
down at the station.

All right.
I'll stop by later.

So, this doesn't hurt, does it?
- Not that much.
- Okay.

What's that?
It's them, all right.
