The Spring

He's a freelance writer.
He's been a single father
since his son Nick was three.

That's what it's like out there.
Sometimes I forget how lucky we are.

His mother died last year
after a long bout of...

Where are you gettin' that?
- Mr. Conway...
- Call me Dennis.

You probably know everything
about me already anyway.

Where do you get the information?
It's available to law enforcement
through the NCIC... the FBI database.

Well, may I ask why?
We like to know who's visiting.
You don't miss a trick, do you?
Thank you, Mr. Conway.
We do our best.

Now let's get down to business,
shall we?

According to the truck driver,
the accident was just a combination
of unfortunate circumstances.

Yes. Listen, I'm not gonna sue anybody,
if that's what you're worried about.

Do you want me to sign a release?
- No problem.
- Great.

I'm sorry things
worked out this way, Robert.

Mom and Dad made their own choices.
- Some of them weren't the best.
- This belonged to them too.

They wouldn't want anything fancy.
Plain pine will do.

Of course.
I hate signing death certificates.
Everything by the book, Sophie,
including socializing with tourists.

I'm just doing my job, Josh.
