The Spring

- So you filled in the missing pieces?
- I had no choice.

That's not entirely true, Sophie.

You had a little something
to do with it.

You've been encouraging him
since he showed up.

Emma, even if I were lucky enough
to fall in love at my age...

I would never risk the lives
of my friends.

I believe you, Sophie.
- Can we trust him, though?
- Yes. For heaven's sakes, Robert...

he came here to return
your parents' bag.

He's not a man who could
hurt someone for profit.

I mean, he would never
sell out our secret for money.

You don't know for sure.
Does he know about
Jack's birthday party?

I wanted to tell him,
but Nick was nearby.

He won't be 18 for five years.
They all know anyway.
- If we vote no, what happens to him?
- You know the covenant.

We can't punish him like someone
who purposely broke the covenant.

Besides, we have Nick to consider.
He hasn't done anything wrong.

No matter how nice they may seem,
any unknown element poses a threat.

He won't tell anyone
if we let him stay.

Josh, what do you think?
They've agreed
to let you speak for yourself.

Why do you want to stay in Springville?

What do you want from us,
and what are you prepared to give?

Well, I want a safe world
for my son to grow up in.

I'd rather he not experience
the kind of pain or disease
that my wife and mother had to.

I want Nick to reach his potential
and then to go beyond that.

That's what you want for your son.
What do you want for yourself?

- That's all I want for myself.
- You're not being honest, Dennis.

Everyone wants something.
