The Whole Nine Yards

Finder's fee?
I teII you what.
TeII your wife we'II
work something out.

Cynthia, don't rush off.
We shouId chat a IittIe.
I'II caII you in the morning.
We'II Ieave first thing.

You won't do anything stupid
Iike Ieaving me in the Iurch?

Who did you taIk to?
What do you mean?
-You know Frankie Figs?
-I know of him.

When I came back from Iunch,
he was in my room.

-Frankie Figs was in your room?

-He knew that I knew where Jimmy is.
-What did he do?

After he pIayed congas on my kidneys,
he took me to see Janni GogoIak.

You're kidding.
Who did you teII?
I wanna know who you toId!

No one, I swear!
WeII, then how--?
What am I gonna do?
I'II taIk to you Iater.
