The Whole Nine Yards

So after you kiII Janni,
you go back to Chicago?

No, I'm done with Chicago.
What about your wife?
You gonna get back together with her?

You're gonna kiII her too?
For a heII of a Iot more than $1 0,000.
You can't do that.
Why not?
Because she's your wife!
You were right about him.
This is one exceedingIy sweet man.

Wife Iike his and stiII
he beIieves in wedding vows.

So do I.
EspeciaIIy tiII death do us part.

Oh, God. It's my beeper.
I gotta go to the office.

WeII, wedding vows or not...
...I'd watch my back.
Your wife's stiII shopping
for a hitter.

Good Iuck.
Mr. Tourette, I think we'II
have to puII the tooth.

Oz, what is it?
What's the matter?
