Thirteen Days

And Pierre, tomorrow
the President may have a cold

A what?
A cold
Do I get any input around here?
How bad it is, is up to you
There are major rail disruptions
in the south

two airbome divisions are on alert
Sounds to me like that
exercise is an invasion

You know how Bobby has it in
for the state of Mississippi

We're invading Cuba
Dammit, we are not invading Cuba!
Are you crazy?
Nobody gives a rat's ass about Cuba!
Not now, not ever!
If you print that, all you're
gonna do is inflame the situation

And nobody talks to assholes
who inflame situations

Assholes like that
can find themselves cut
out of the loop

That's the first time
you've ever threatened me

All right
I won't print anything
until I have another source

But I promise you I'll get one
We've got a consensus for a blockade
but it won't last past tomorrow
You have to bring him back
By the way
China invaded India today
You're kidding, aren't you?
I wish I were
Galbraith's handling it in New Delhi
Makes you wonder what's coming next
What is it about the free world that
pisses the rest of the world off?

I don't know
We have Tupperware parties?

I'll see you tomorrow
The President has a cold
He's canceling
the remainder of this trip

and returning to Washington
on the advice of his doctor

Is that the final word?
President Kennedy!
How do you feel, Mr. President?
