Thirteen Days

What do you do?
You run the blockade
They'll run the blockade
Which is what they appear to
be preparing to do, Mr. President

We're tracking 26 ships
inbound for Cuba

They show no sign of changing course
The closest ships
the Gagarin and the Kimovsk

will make the quarantine line
by this time tomorrow

Admiral Anderson
if the ships do not stop

exactly what are
our rules of engagement?

Russian- speaking personnel
have been transferred to our ships

When the quarantine
takes place in the morning

our ships will attempt radio contact
with approaching vessels

They'll be ordered to reduce speed
and stand by for inspection

An inspection team will then
board and search the vessel

If weapons are found, the ship will be
ordered out of the quarantine area

If they refuse
they'll be towed into the nearest port
What if the ship doesn't stop
for inspection or want to be towed?

We fire a warning shot
across their bow

And what happens
if the ship ignores the warning shot?

Wen then fire at its rudder
disable it
and carry on our inspection

There will be no shooting
without my explicit orders

Is that understood?
Yes sir
Well, Admiral
looks like it's up to the navy

The navy won't let you down, sir
There is one other thing
Mr. President

We're commencing low-level photography
runs over Cuba this morning

It'll be more detailed
than the U-2 photography

We'll firm up our estimates
of the missiles' readiness

and develop target packages for strikes
if you should order them, sir

To protect our pilots
we're prepared to retaliate
against any SAM site

or anti-aircraft battery
that may open fire

We have a flight of Thunderchiefs
that'll be able to

respond within minutes
to any attacks on our planes

I've got a bad feeling about
what's going on in there

In the morning
I'm taking charge of the blockade
from the situation room

And McNamara is gonna set up shop
in the flag plot at the Pentagon
