Thirteen Days

How the goddamn hell
could this happen?

I will have Power's head on a platter
Next to LeMay's
Kenny, you hear me
give the order to got o DEFCON 2?

'Cause I remember
giving the order to go to DEFCON 3

but I must be suffering from amnesia
I've just been informed
our nuclear forces are at DEFCON 2

Mr. President
the orders were limited...
to our strategic forces
in the continental United States

General LeMay is correct
SAC has the statutory authority...

I have the authority!
I am the commander-in-chief
of the United States

and I say when we go to war
We're not at war, sir
Not until DEFCON 1

the Joint Chiefs have just signaled
our intent to escalate to the Soviets

You've signaled an escalation
which I had no wish to signal
and which I did not approve

Get out of here, Max
Yes, sir
Rescind the order. Can all the Chiefs
Put Nitze, Gilpatric
and the Undersecretaries in charge

Yes, we can
We can't fire the Chiefs, Bobby
Our invasion talk
would look like a bluff

Or even worse
if there's been an attempted coup

give me a couple minutes
alone with Bobby

Just try this on for size
We get a hold of Walter Lippman
