Thirteen Days

Just try this on for size
We get a hold of Walter Lippman
and we leak the idea of pulling
our Jupiter missiles out of Turkey

The Soviets
pull their missiles out of Cuba

We back JFK! K. and K. must talk!
End the arms race, not the human race
Hey, hey, JFK!
Let's not start a war today!

What did you think of
the Lippman column this morning?

It's a bad idea
Thank God. Look
everybody's furious about it

We trade away our missiles in Turkey
and we are dead politically

You've gotta stop it
We know it was Jack and Bobby's idea
They leaked it to Lippman
The military guys are going ape
and they're not alone

They should speak up
Christ, Ken, it's not that easy
It is
It isn't. They don't trust
the people that feel this way

But these people are right
and the Kennedys are wrong

We need you to talk to them
They'll listen to you

Jack and Bobby are good men
But it takes a certain kind of...

You mean the President
of the United States?

And the Attorney General?
Kenny, they are good men
but it takes certain character

moral toughness
to stand up to the Soviets

You're in the White House right now
because of the Kennedys

They may be wrong. They make mistakes
But they are not weak
The weak ones are these people
who can't speak their own minds

You know I don't mean
that they're weak

No, you just lack a "moral toughness"
Jesus Christ, Mac!
You think I'll play your Judas for you
You never understood us, for you
We've been fighting with each other
our whole lives

But nobody plays us off each other
and nobody ever
ever gets between us
It's trial balloon, Kenny
Then somebody better publicly deny it
because there's only one way
the world is gonna read this

We sell out one of our own friends
for own safety

