Thirteen Days

We're pretty damn good ourselves
at getting into trouble

So instead of riding your ass
I'm just gonna tell you
what's going on here

and let you figure out
how best to help us out up here

Go ahead, sir
Last night, it looked like
we were gonna cut a deal
to get us all out of this mess

Today the Soviets are reneging
We're gonna try
and salvage the situation

but a lot of things
are going wrong today

It's making everyone nervous
If more things go wrong
people will become more nervous

and it will be very hard
to aviod going to war

I'm not sure
what you're trying to tell me, sir

Just my standard line
I've been repeating
to guys like you all week

Don't get shot down
Beyond that
whatever else you can do to help us
I'd appreciate it

When you're at 72, 000 feet
a million things can go wrong

Is your Oxygen mix right?
Are your cameras gonna freeze up?

Are you leaving a contrail?
Those million things
they're beyond your control, mostly

when you realize that
there's a kind of peace
If you're a good man
and if your ground crew are good men

that is all you can ask for
And with the grace of God
that'll get you through

Are you a religious man?
I am
