Thomas est amoureux

I doubt it. The first time...
But. Still. We could have tried.
We could make love.
without you coming to my apartment.

With devices.
You know. Special body suits.

You mean cybersex?
- Yes.

You're kidding me. Right?
- No.

Do you realize what you're saying?
If it bothers you.
we won't talk about it again.

That's not it.
It's just a little embarrassing.

Is cybersex not in these days?
No. Not really. Not at all.
But the devices sell well. Don't they?
Yes. But no one says...
I've never heard someone say
"Look. I bought a cybersex suit".

It's kind of taboo to talk about.
Like masturbation?
- But everyone masturbates.

Yes. Well. Especially men.
Really? Not women?
Not all of them.
Not as naturally as do men. Anyway.
What about you?
What about me?
- Do you masturbate?

You see. Thomas. That's the problem.
Were we face to face I'd say

yes. Sometimes.
But like this. By visiophone. I can't.
So. Cybersex... talking about it
by visiophone is hard enough...

so doing it...
- OK. We won't talk about it again.

I didn't...
- It's OK. Forget it.
