
That's hole number one.
I'm going to be extremely skeptical
about all this.

About all what?
I'm assuming you've never been injured.
Would I be wrong in that assumption?

Dad's been injured.
Is the child correct?
Yes, sir. In college,
I was in a car accident.

- Was it serious?
- He couldn't play football any more.

That's hole number two.
That's a big one.
Mr Price, can we talk about
the note that you left on my car?

I've studied the form
of comics intimately.

I've spent a third of my life
in a hospital bed...

with nothing else to do but read.
I believe comics
are our last link...

to an ancient way
of passing on history.

The Egyptians drew on walls.
Countries all over the world still pass
on knowledge through pictorial forms.

I believe comics
are a form of history...

that someone somewhere
felt or experienced.

Then, of course,
those experiences and that history...

got chewed up in the commercial
machine, got jazzed up...

made titillating,
cartooned for the sale rack.

This city has seen its share
of disasters.

I watched the aftermath
of that plane crash.

I watched the carnage
of the hotel fiire.

I watched the news waiting to hear
a very specifiic combination of words...

but they never came.
Then one day I saw a news story
about a train accident...

and I heard them.
"There is a sole survivor...
and he is miraculously unharmed."
I have something called
osteogenesis imperfecta.

It's a genetic disorder.
I don't make a particular
protein very well...

and it makes my bones
very low in density.
