What Planet Are You From?

What happened?
I did so much blow once,
I didn't sleep for three weeks.

I lost 1 5 pounds. The good thing?
I've been able to keep it off.

Remember me from the aeroplane?
Oh, yeah, of course.
You hit me really hard.

What are you doing here?
I have a slight problem.
You know how it is with airlines.

You're at 30,000 feet
with all those tiny bottles.

-It's really not my fault.

Damn it!
You hit my car. My new car.
-I don't believe it.
-What happened?

Don't get excited. First,
this isn't new. This is a '98.

-I know a guy with one.
-It's new to me!

Oh, God.
Look at it.
I guess we both have to drive
more carefully.

I was parked, asshole.
I don't see a lot of damage,
so I'm gonna run.

Right, I got the cracked taillight,
dented fender package.

I want to see your driver's license,
registration and insurance.

-Can't we settle this without insurance?

If you try to worm your way
out of this...

...l will cut your heart out
with my hood ornament.

Have we dated?
I'm not very good in bed.
No, no. You're great.
No. My boyfriend once said it was
like trying to start a dead car.

You've got to uncross your legs.
I told you I'm not very good in bed.
I'm sorry.

What is that humming sound?
It's the tendons in your legs

Oh, you know what?
Can you--?

One second.
