What Planet Are You From?

-You're having an affair.
-What's wrong with you?

All you talk about is
how work bores you.

Now you're rushing to get to
your job? What's her name?

It's not an affair.
It's that Pamela person.
I've seen the way she looks at you.
The woman is a slut.

She's in a wheelchair.
Don't think she doesn't play that
for all it's worth.

You want to know what's going on?
You want to know the truth?

I deserve that much.
This is classified,
so it's just between you and me.

A couple days ago, on an Arizona West
flight, there was an incident.

The crew almost lost control.
One of the passengers was
shooting video.

Something made contact
with that plane.

The thing is,
I don't have an answer for it.

For the first time in 22 years,
I don't know what happened.

There's something about that.
About the not knowing.
Look. I'm getting goose bumps
just thinking about it.

It's what I've been waiting for.
Now it's finally come.

-Does she have bigger tits than me?

I'll figure this out.
I'll take that as a yes.
I'll be late.
Can I help you?
I'm looking for Perry.
You know Perry?
Yeah, but not too well. I'm his wife.
His wife?
Well, Perry's a very lucky man,
if I may say.
