What Planet Are You From?

I don't want to go. I have to.
You're not coming back?
No. Maybe I should've just left.
This seems worse.
-Can I help you?
-Harold Anderson?

His wife is having a baby.
They're in the maternity wing,
in the delivery room.

You can't go in there, sir!
Sir, you are not allowed in there!

Get out. Get the hell away from me.
I don't believe it. I did it again!
I did it again!
I know you're angry.
You coward! Two minutes with
your child and you're scared shitless.

Get him out! Get him out of here!
Get out!
Get out!
-I need to talk to Harold Anderson.
-Is he in the military?

-Where is he?
-Wife's here. He's gone.

-Can I talk to her?
-Not a good time.

If you find him,
give him a kick in the pants.

Soon as the baby's born,
he leaves his wife.

What kind of person is that?
He's going back.
I know where he is.

Excuse me, chief. Merry Christmas.
I'm looking for a passenger.
Harold Anderson, usual spelling.

We're just about to push away.
