What Women Want

- Don't panic.
This is supposed to be fun.
- Okay. Okay, I can do this.
I'm a professional.
Lipstick. All right.
Lipstick on a guy's collar ?
No, no, women will hate that.

Lipstick on a guy's collar
that won't rub off.

No, that's even worse.
Okay, okay, okay,
I gotta think like a broad.

All right, I'm a broad.
I see lipstick...
[ Sniffs ]

on a dark-haired
Tahitian beauty,

standing under a waterfall,
wearing nothing but a thong.

Water cascading
down her back.

I'm a lesbian.
[ Scoffs ]
I gotta change the music.

I wonder. I wonder.
Oh, Alex, thank you.
Ah, jackpot !
Oh, she's hot.
- You go, girl.
[ Singing Along ]
- Looks like big dandruff.
Smooth, yeah, smooth.
Oh, cool.

Wow, mascara.
Here we go.
