When the Sky Falls

Holy fuck, Jamie.
- Where'd you get all this?
- I just got it.

I sold some paintings.
There's this punter who--

Just take it!
I'm going to be quits.

Take it.
More than enough here
to call it quits five times over.

That fucking worries me, Jamie.
A fucking narc !
- It's the pigs ! We gotta go!
- Hold that door no matter what!

Mackey, he's in the jacks.
- They made me do it.
- Except you're paying.

You set me up!
Jesus Christ, Tattoo.
It was. H e set us up.
Look out.
There are four corners
to my bed.

There are four angels
there lie spread.

One at my head,
one at my feet

two at my heart,
my soul to keep.

The Father, Son,
Holy Spirit, Amen.

That's lovely.
