When the Sky Falls

H e made Jamie the bagman.
Dressed him up with
a pocket full of smack.

It's hard to believe,
isn't it?

That our noble guards
would do such a thing.

Just telling you
what I heard.

Have they said if they're
going to suspend you?

No, they can't suspend anybody
until after the inquiry.

How's Shaw?
The knife
just missed his lung.

They say he'll be all right,
whatever that means.

Oh, heads up.
Mackey, I want a word...
- Sorry, no can do.
- ...about Jamie Thornton.

Not here.
Do you have a problem
discussing Jamie's death?

What aspect in particular.
- H is pocket's full of heroin.
- Thornton was a junkie.

H e speaks !
How can I help you?
I heard someone
was using Jamie.

- Who?
- We were.

H e was helping
with our inquiries.

- And that's why he was killed?
- For Christ's sake.

My readers will be fascinated
to hear how he found

all that heroin
in his police cell.

Your readers should try
dealing with this shit.

Where did you get
this information?

I can't tell you that.
Let me guess,

Your little friend,

You think he's a real charmer,
don't you?

Wake up, Sinead.
Why don't you ask him
who ran Hackett's operation

while he was in jail?
Or about his sex and drugs parties
with little boys and girls?

Or about the kids
his heroin has killed?

Joey Kelly, Jimmy Martin,
a 1 2-year-old Jason Park.

Ask him about that
before you come around,

waving your press card
and high morals in my face?
