Where the Heart Is

I don't know what
they're gonna make me do.

- No. No.
- I'm broke. I got nothin'.

I have no family, no job,
and I got a baby.

I know what you need.
- [ Gurgling ]
- Yes, you're okay.
Look who we're going to see.

[ Gasps ]
Say, ''It's about time.''

- Does that help ?
- [ Gurgling ]

Oh, oh, yeah.
How can you love someone
so much you just met ?

Forney's okay too. Doctor stitched
him up and sent him on home.

- Forney ? The ''libary'' guy ?
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.
- Why ? What happened to him ?

He jumped through a plate-glass window
to deliver your baby.

- Don't you remember ?
- That was him ?

- [ Fussing ]
- Oh.

So, what are you
gonna name her ?

Oh, that's right.
[ Lexie ] ''Americus''? How the hell'd
you come up with a name like Americus ?

[ Novalee ] I wanted her
to have a strong name,
a name that stood for somethin'.

- Ooh. Aw.
- [ Baby Crying ]

Well, I guess I should talk.
I call my kids after snack foods:

Brownie, Praline,
Cherry and Baby Ruth.

- You got four ?
You don't look old enough.
- Yep.

Well, I started when I was 1 5,
and I just couldn't stop.

I wanted to find the first one
a daddy, but all I got
out of that was another baby.

So, I wanted to find 'em both
a daddy, and so on, and so on.

- I think I'm goin' about this
the wrong way.
- [ Chuckles ]

Hey ! There she is !
That's the Wal-Mart mommy !

Now, how long were you
living in the Wal-Mart ?

Uh, uh,
- six weeks.
- And what was it like ?
