Xingfu shiguang

It´s all about the simple life.
I got this idea listening to customers.
Rich people love it!
Your job is easy.
You just wait outside.
When the guests leave,
you tidy up.

Once you´re done, you come
back out. That´s all.

I´ll bring you lunch
from our employee cafeteria.

Wait a second!
Sir, how come you´re
hauling that bus away?

- We´re cleaning up this area.
- Who told you to do this?

The boss.
- Where are you taking the bus?
- No idea.

What are you going to do here?
Beautify the area.
What´s wrong with you guys?
How many times do I have to tell you?
Keep me informed of everything.
Didn´t we decide to start in 2 weeks?
So how come you´re here?
Aren´t I the boss around here?
I want a full report!
Now get back to work!
What a mess!
We were planning some renovations...
...but they showed up early.
You can´t start work today.
Renovations will take a week or two...
:34:53 you´ll have to wait.
When you go back,
explain it all to her.

I´m not explaining anything!
