Xingfu shiguang

What were you thinking?
Say something!
Okay, you´re right!
We leave in the morning and now...
:40:17 don´t even have a place to stay!
She did go too far!
Don´t cry!
Do you have any relatives here?
You can´t go off to your father broke.
And he can´t come get you right away.
Come with me, okay?
Come back with me.
I´ll set up a massage room.
So you can work.
I know you don´t trust me...
...but I´m different from her.
I´m disappointed in her too.
What do you say?
Come back with me?
Don´t cry.
This is your apartment?
Where´s the refrigerator?
Don´t have one.
A general manager would
have a refrigerator.

This is, uh, one of our
employee apartments.

Didn´t you say this was yours?
My employees and I are one big family.
Their place is my place.
- So where do you live?
- I live...

:41:54 a luxury villa.
Most of my neighbors are foreigners.
