Xingfu shiguang

Don´t be ridiculous!
It´s got to seem real.
If the girl is with a client
and it´s dead- quiet...

...who will believe
it´s a real massage parlor?

We can´t move an entire street
over here!

Li, don´t you have
a boom box at home?

Take it to a massage parlor
and record the street.

We´ll hit 'play´,
and the problem will be solved!

On my wedding day...
...all of you will sit
at the head table with me.

Tomorrow when the clients come,
everything will go according to plan.

Oh, no.
Who is she going to massage tomorrow?
We don´t have any clients lined up.
What are you laughing at?
I can´t bring strangers
to this place.

If they say anything to the girl...
...our work is wasted.
You´re my friends.
Come back tomorrow for a massage.

Come back tomorrow?
You don´t have to work.
You get a free massage.
Won´t she be able to feel it´s
the same people over and over again?

Tell the girl she´s so good,
you´re back for more.

Right. This massage stuff
gets addictive.

Why thank me?
It´s all for us, isn´t it?

She starts tomorrow.
She´s staying at our employee dorm.
Nice place.
Anyway, I just hope you understand
why I´m doing all this.

You know what
my feelings are for you.

I told you to record street noises.
What´s this?

The street at the entrance
to the massage parlor.
