You Can Count on Me

I just...
I really wish mom was here
So do I, man
No one knows what to do with you
I know how they feel, man
Terry, can I ask you a question?
I mean, do you ever go to church anymore?
Sammy can we not talk about that shit?
Do you?
No, Sammy. I don't
Can you tell me why not?
Yeah, because I think it's ridiculous
Well, can you tell me without denigrating it?
It's primitive, okay, it's a fairy tale
Well have you ever considered maybe that's
what's making things so difficult for you?
That you've lost hold...
not just your religious feeling
but lost hold of any kind of anchor

Any kind of trust in anything
No wonder you drift around so much
I mean...

what's to stop you. How would you ever know
if you ever found the right thing

I'm not looking for anything, man
I'm just trying to get on with it

Here we go
Thank you
Thanks, Sammy
I'm really going to pay you back
