A Beautiful Mind

Bombs away.
John, you are the mathemathically,
successful man ever.

This is going to be the classic.
Maybe you want
to buy me a drink.

l don't exactly know what
l'm require to say in order to let you

happen to course with me .
But could we assume that
l was a little...

l am a bit sensible to talk
about photo-exchange, right?

So could we go straight to the sex?
That would be sweet.
Have a nice night, asshole.
l... l assume that you like
a liitle bit about photo-exchange.

That was pretty charming.
Walk with me, John.
l'll have a minute to talk with you.
The faculty has completely
meet your reviews.

We decide that which application
is Just a plot.

Sir, that would be my first
choose, l won't think a second choice...

John... your fellows have attended
classes,they are writing in the papers.

Oh... l am still searching, sir.
The original idea, yeah.
That is very clever, John.
But l suppose that is not enough.
