
Wait a minute!
Liston's not coming out.
The winner and new heavyweight
champion ofthe world is Cassius Clay.


Les, I'm going up into the ring.
Get back.

I'm the greatest thing
ever happened to boxing.

Cassius. Cassius.
I shook up the world!
It's a scene of
absolute bedlam in the ring!

I am the greatest.
I'm a bad man. I shook up the world!

Did he ever hurtyou?
I'm only 22 years old.
I ain't got a mark on my face.

- I must be the greatest.
- And you're pretty.

I must be the greatest.
Wait. Hold on. Hold on one second.
That's Sam Cooke back there.

- Come on, Sam Cooke.
- Let Sam Cooke in here.

The greatest rock-and-roll singer,
and I'm the world's greatest boxer.

Hello, Sam.
That mummy's
gonna get him, baby.

- That mummy ain't gonna get him.
- Yeah, he is.

He ain't scared ofthat mummy.
That mummy too slow to catch anybody.

- What's going on, Sam?
- Howyou doing, Cassius?

Don't believe that stuffon TV.
Don't listen to him.

- Hey, congratulations, Clay.
- Hey, thankyou,Jim.

- Hell ofa fight.
- You next, man. You next.

- Go ahead and get some food, brother.
- Cassius ClayversusJim Brown.

Biggest fight in history.
- The mummy only has one eye.
- One eye and a limp.

That mummy's 643 years old.
He can't catch nobody.
Look at him.
