
Oh, man, I'm watching this program
on termites.

And them little itsy-bitsy things is
eatin' these people's whole house down.

Oh, man, look.
I've been invited to speak
at lbadan University in Nigeria.

- You wanna go with me?
- Hey, look, man.

You can have six million termites
in your house and don't even know it...

till you going to get something to eat
and you bust through the floor.

- What'd you say? Where?
- Africa. You been?

All right, come on.
Let's go.

What is it?
You ever thought
you'd lose it?

I mean, really lose it?
When I was little, I tore out
this picture of Emmett Till.

They put the barbed wire
around his neck...

and strapped him
to that 75-pound cotton gin fan.

And they cut out one ofhis eyes
'cause he looked at some white lady.

I couldn't take my eyes to it,
couldn't throw it away.

When I heard about those...
four little girls who got bombed
in that Birmingham church...

the prohibitions ofthe Honorable
Elijah Muhammad prevented me...

from speaking
my thoughts in action.

Because Birmingham was part
ofthe civil rights struggle.

You know, begging for our place
at the white man's table.

But dead children
are dead children.

So the anger I felt
I had to contain.

I locked it up so tight...
