American Outlaws

-You're forgetting who's in charge!

You're in charge? Huh?
We ain't partners no more, Jesse?

You tell Cole Younger
when and where to ride?

-He didn't mean that.
-Siding against me?

Being with me is being against you?
We don't wanna do that.

None of us idiots wanna go against
Jesse James, the greatest outlaw ever!

Paper says without you, we wouldn't
find a goat's ass with a stick!

-You've been full of yourself lately.
-You think so?

You all do?
-One of us gets an idea--
-A bad idea!

-I got us through the war.
-And nearly got hanged.

-That's it!

Boys, we don't want this!
-I'm a better soldier!
-I'm a better outlaw.

You both hate the railroad!
Do it, and Rains never
comes west again!

-It's his money!

He's paying out of his own fortune!
You wanna hurt him?

-Put your guns down!
-I still don't like it!

-Let me run the show, General Lee!

You want it?
All right.
We hit this bank.
You'll be smiling once you got
that money in your pocket.
