American Outlaws

Easy. Easy.
Rest here.
Get some bandages and whiskey.
-Too young for whiskey.
-We'll make an exception.

Hey, little brother.
I'm sorry.

All right, Jim? I'm sorry.
It was the best time of my life.
I was famous, you know?
-He was just a kid.
-He was old enough.

A boy riding with the most famous
outlaws in the West.

How could he say no to that?
Railroad burned him out too.
You couldn't stop him.

You're a piss-poor liar
for the smartest man I know.

A war against the railroad.
What the hell was I thinking?

I'm sure it seemed like a good idea
at the time.

-I'm out.
-You're out?

Blood gets spilled,
you're just gonna quit?

Who's next, Cole?
You? Me? Bob?
-Can't go back, Jesse.
-I ain't telling you what to do.

Keep riding with Cole,
that's fine by me.

Get the hell out of here, then.
Don't come back when you find
you can't farm with a six-gun!
