
I understand you signed up
with Garry Winston

You know Milo, we're at
a great disadvantage with NURV

I mean our experts are not
as smart as theirs

The truth is we could do with a real smart guy
on our team to help pick our fights

Ha, I’m going to take a real shot
in the dark here, O.K?

I can offer you $42,000
a year and a Buick

if you will change your mind and join us.
I'm hoping you have a feeling
that is the right thing to do

Well, I’m sure what you're doing
is important, Mr. Barton

I just fell like this is a...
kind of my time to make my mark

Well, like I said,
it is a shot in the dark

No, no, no,
please, please, keep it.

If you see something up there
that rubs you the wrong way

Do the right thing
What are they building?
Oh, That's a...
Building number 21

it's way behind schedule.
It's still off limits.

It's a digital broadcast base.
Taking forever to get the fiber optics
linked in there

This is the day care center
Gary has put a lot of money in there.
And the people with kids are not hot shot geeks
or anything. They just payroll clerk or whatever

That's cool
I know, that's really cool
