
What are they building?
Oh, That's a...
Building number 21

it's way behind schedule.
It's still off limits.

It's a digital broadcast base.
Taking forever to get the fiber optics
linked in there

This is the day care center
Gary has put a lot of money in there.
And the people with kids are not hot shot geeks
or anything. They just payroll clerk or whatever

That's cool
I know, that's really cool

The card encoded.
It tells who came through the door
and when

If you see a tailgater
that someone coming on your swipe, report him

If you see someone wandering around without ID,
it is your duty to challenge him

I don't give a shit
if you are a stock option billionaire

If you don't challenge,
l'll have your butt

He seemed a little tense
Oh, shront, yeah, yeah
He gets his chain pulled a lot
by the geeks around here

because he is non-tech
Because he is a ex-cop or whatever

Whoa..a, Lisa actually looked at you
- When ?
- She has a heavy graphics background

She's programming scalable user interfaces
for the SYNAPSE modules

She's a smart girl
Every geek has a thing for Lisa, but
she won't let anyone get near her
I have a girl friend
What ?
you got like, you got like a girl friend
A 3 deminisional girl friend

That's really rare around here
