
Just a little advice,
don't get to close to Stinky
You're hestairecal Dessy
What do they do for a village idiot
when you're here?

Dude, What do they do with all the air freshemers
when your're here / I don't know

umm, I just actually waiting for my countor
to come by and introduce himself

Oh, hello Milo, I’m Gary
All right
Come on let me introduce you
to the rest of the team

Hey, Stinky
Oh, Hi, Gary,

how's it going?
Hi Gary, how's it going
Dessy and Stinky are
working on compression

Josh and Vancat are
writing protocall handlers

This is Milo
- Milo is working on the all important adaptor
- Alright, Milo

When I announce the launch date

it wasn't arbitrary,
but it wasn't based on
our progress either, as you know

If we do not have a workable version of
SYNAPSE by then, it's over folks

And this is the glip of little headline
you will be seeing through out the world

- Not going to happen, is it?
- No

- Is it?
- No

Not going.. to happen
There are no constraints, no boundaries
Surprise me,
challenge me, .
Defy me,
Defy yourselfs
You have a choice.
You can be forgotten,
or you can be remembered

as one of the noble few
who made it
