
How they weren't in jail?
People told us to be careful
in this neighbourhood.

I guess he didn't take them
too seriously.

Yeah. well.
that's our problem.

We don't take anything seriously. do we?
It's not on the hard drive.
Hey, I didn't know you guys
were working with fiber optics.

We're just a bounch of crazy assholes.
And he was on the verge of something.
He was right there.

He was going to show us the next day.
He told me I should get the VC to line up
appointment with a bunch of companies.

You know.
He said a, the answer is not in the box.
it's in the band.

You know I called him last week to uh...
'cause... / I know.

He was happy you did.
Be strong, Larry
- May I join you?
- Yeah

Heard a bout what happened.
- I'm very sorry.
- Thanks

Had you talked to him... much, lately?
Just once.
Things weren't that great between us
and we couldn't talk about work
