Artificial Intelligence: AI

That was when the icecaps had melted
because of the greenhouse gases...

...and the oceans
had drowned cities...

...along all the shorelines
of the world.

Amsterdam, Venice, New York...
...forever lost.
Millions of people were displaced.
Climate became chaotic.
Hundreds of millions of people
starved in poorer countries.

A high degree of prosperity survived
when the developed world...

...introduced sanctions
to license pregnancies...

... which was why robots,
who did not consume resources...

...beyond those of
their first manufacture...

... were so essential
an economic link...

:01:53 the chain mail of society.
To create an artificial being
has been man's dream. . .

. . .since the birth of science.
Not merely from the modern age
when our forebears created. . .

. . .the first thinking machines,
primitive ones that played chess.

How far we have come!
The artificial being is a reality,
a perfect simulacrum. . .

. . .articulated in limb,
articulate in speech. . .

. . .and not lacking in human response.
And even pain-memory response.
How did that make you feel?
Angry? Shocked?

-I don't understand.
-What did I do to your feelings?

You did it to my hand.
All right.
There's the rub.
