
Yes, we just came in with meat.
We saw caribou
all over the place up there!
But the ground is very rough.
My boots needed lots of new soles.
You better have extras.
I used up two pairs!
Where's your wife?
She's too pregnant this year.
You're not going alone?
Sister, you were sad this year
to stay behind with Grandmother.
If Atanarjuat needs help,
why don't you go with him?
My clothes are all new.
I'm sure I'll be okay.

Not for long!
The caribou are very far.

Oh, yes, they're far.
Really far.

I don't mind if she goes along,
even if she is our best worker.

So it's settled.
Daughter, pack and get ready.

I'm always ready, father.
My small tent is perfect for two.
I'll lend it to you.
You'll see.
