Baby Boy

See what I'm saying, cuz?
This nigga do this shit every night.
Why you always got to do something?
Why can't you just sit still and relax?

Don't complain
when you left me here all weekend!

You don't always gotta do something.
That's what divides us as a people.
We got no focus.

Why don't you just sit down and focus?
Watch some PBS or something.

You are so full of shit. So fucking selfish.
Why you got this old pizza?
If you're starting shit,
where you been since yesterday, nucker?

Slanging dresses, making money.
Fixed the brakes on the car.
What have you been doing?

-You been fucking around?

Let me smell your dick.
Go on with that bullshit.
If you ain't been whoring around,
let me smell your dick. I can tell.

Go on.
I ain't playing with you. Move!
I'll knock your ass out.

See? My shit smells good, don't it?
See what? You probably washed it off.
I'm tired of you messing around on me.
I know you and Sweetpea
was out doing me and Kim wrong.

I didn't do nothing.
You'll to sit there with a straight face
and say you didn't do nothing?

I didn't do nothing. I was over at Kim's,
playing spades with Pea.

You're a bald-faced liar!
You went to that after-hours spot.

Some nasty yellow heifer
was shaking her ass in your face...

...then you went to a private room with
the nasty bitch and do I don't know what!

I know 'cause Chris was there.
Sharika's Chris?

He saw you. You busted.
It's all on your grill, stupid.
All right.
I was there. But I didn't fuck.
