
Good morning, Memar.
Is that a time to come to work?
It is almost noon!

Sorry I am late.
I dropped by Najaf's house.

Wait here. I'll be back.
Who is he, your kid?
No, Najaf's kid.
Any news of Najaf? How is he?
His foot is badly broken
and he is at home.

Today, don't work.
I'll pay your wage.

This money is for Najaf.
God bless you, Memar.
There's no rush.

This evening,
I'll drop by his house.

Najaf, in his state, can't work.
He's got five children to feed
and his wife passed away
last year.

His son could replace him.
Have you already worked
in construction?

A bit, but mostly
he was taking care
of his brothers and sisters.

What can you do?
This boy is smart.
He'll catch up very quickly.

Can't he speak for himself?
Kid, what can you do?
I hope he isn't deaf and dumb.
I said what work can you do?
It isn't a big deal
to carry cement sacks.

You're right,
but it takes strength

and this kid looks too weak.
One or two days,
and he'll be okay.

What is your name?
All right, I take him on trial
for two to three days.
