Beautiful Creatures

Does Brian think
he can still keep you happy...

...with only nine fingers?
- What?
- Still...

...that's a lot of money
for a wee bit of your body.

Isn't it?
Which bit of your body
is worth the most to you?

Stop it.
Those are lovely lips.
My wee brother was still alive
when his finger was cut off from him.

Can you imagine how sore
that must've been...

...chopping through bone
and gristle and tender flesh?

Brian's too soft for any of that.
Isn't he?
I don't know what you're talking about.
You didn't do it for him...
...did you?
'Cause if I thought...
Well, you could kiss
those lovely lips goodbye.

And I wouldn't stop there.
Any messages for me?
Somebody called Ronnie McMinn
phoned this morning. Got his number.

Just a pal of mine wanting a game of golf.
- Any luck with your clubs?
- What do you expect?

The police are a bunch of worthless,
skiving assholes.

What about your missing persons?
Fucked off in a drunken huff
and left his missus.
