Behind Enemy Lines

Command and control
comes from Red Crown.

You men have three slicks loaded with
2.75 rocket pods and guns at your disposal.

Use advisedly.
l want gimbal attachments
for all fast ropers.

Team leaders report to me
as soon as your squad is ready.

- (knock on door)
- Come.

Admiral, what's going on down there?
We have an F-18 down in southern Bosnia.
One pilot suspected dead.

Who authorized a search and rescue?
- l did.
- Call it off. Stand down, Admiral.

Maybe l didn't make myself clear. We have
pilots down. One probably already dead.

Admiral, l have spoken personally
to Bosnian military commanders.

They say the shoot-down was perpetrated
by renegade forces
attempting to disrupt the peace process.

Of course they say that.
They're also claiming, Admiral,
that your aircraft was way off-mission.

lf we fly in there we create a shitstorm,
and the whole treaty will collapse.

Admiral, Burnett says
that Serb troops murdered his pilot.

ls your pilot an expert on Bosnia?
Can he distinguish between the uniforms
of Serbs, Croats and Muslims?

Because l can't, and l've been
posted here for five years.

lf your man is in danger,
he should get himself into a safe zone.

That is what he's briefed and trained to do.
Listen, Leslie. l can have your fleet
commander order you to stand down,

or you can do it yourself.
