Bella Martha

Believe me,
the world would be a sad place

without your pigeon with truffles.
You could've asked!
You had other worries.
- But... - Evening.

Booked a table?
- Yes, Mendel. For two.

Let me show you to your table.
Great. A madman in my kitchen!
It's my kitchen
and he isn't mad.

He's eccentric.
Your coats, please

Eccentric? Are you mad?
An Italian!
- Someone'll be with you soon

We agreed
that I would choose my staff.

Lea would've coped
for a few days.

And what does he want
my recipe for?

I... - Clm down!
I needed a replacement

He's a superb cook.
Be glad he's here.

Lea shouldn't work at all
after 8.

Soon we'll have to do
without her.

If we're lucky,
Mario will stay on.

He could do the fish dishes.
Hang on! The fish dishes!?
You know we've got to change.
Nowadays people
want light dishes.

They watch their diet,
their cholesterol,

blood pressure,
salt content of water!

Olive oil instead of butter.

Want to get rid of me?
Tell me now!

When I do,
you'll be the first to know!
