
Don't you think I deserve
something a little extra...

for knocking out
the competition?

Shit, you was just doing
your motherfuckin' job.

The last thing you need...
is for me to start doing
my fucking job.

Give that motherfucker
his money.

That's more like it.
That's the cost of
doing business.

Maybe you can deduct it
on your taxes.

Fuck you.
What's up with Jeremiah
selling that building?

That's ridiculous, Patrick.
So how exactly did crack
get in the ghetto, Pop?

By magic?
How did it fly in there?

Like the man said,
we don't own that many planes.

Stop poisoning your mind
with that ghetto paranoia.

That's the ways of people
justifying their own failure.

No, no, no, Dad.
The man has been lying to us
for a hundred years.

Thank you.
I'm still waiting for
my 40 acres and a mule.

You wouldn't know a mule
if one bit you in the ass.

Personally, I don't need a mule.
I've got myself a Lexus.
And nobody gave it to me.
Please, Pops--
I'd like to see the news,

:24:23 the strange

of those two State College
fraternity brothers.

Now, Patrick, I'm telling--
What is that?
What's that all about?

-What were you gonna say?

Some terrible shit, Pops.
Better watch your mouth, boy.
Those boys had no business
messing around down there.

You go places where
you're not meant to be...

and that's what you get.
Isn't that your old hood, Pops?
Yes, that's my old hood...
and it took some doing
to get out of there.

You just be glad that I did...
so you can start your life
here instead of down there.

Shouldn't we
maybe be down there?

Doing something about it,
making it better?

It can't be done, Patrick!
That place has already
died and gone to hell.
