
All our actions must be predicated on law.
Everything we've done
is from the Nuremberg Laws...

...which Dr. Stuckart brought forth
to the Reichstag in 1935.

We now have to examine
the Blood and Honor laws...

:30:10 regard to the problems of mixed
marriages and persons of mixed blood.

Not only who is a Jew,
but how, in each defined circumstance...

...the Jew is expunged from society,
the government, the economy...

...through ordinances.
The tapestry, if you'll permit some pride.
The exemptions written into the law allow
too many Jews to remain among us.

We address that problem by examining
each category and every exemption.

There's been communication
with the Chancellery Head...

...Lammers, who discussed these
questions with the Führer.

You asked why you are here.
You represent him.

And your own opinion.
We would like that, too.

Lammers has indeed met with the Führer
or his staff on this question...

...and reached an understanding.
Dr. Kritzinger, can we come
to a further understanding here?

What can we all agree on?
What I would like agreed here is that
mixed-blood persons of the first degree...

...they have two Jewish grandparents,
they are half-Jews...

...they are just Jews. They go.
Their children go.

There are, in the law, as of now,
two exceptions. If you would...

For first-degree mixed,
if married to Germans with children...

...they're exempted.
Their children, second-degree mixed,
would be treated as Germans.

The other exception is first-degree mixed
who the Reich has chosen...

:31:23 honor with privilege
for whatever reason.

We are talking here of men and women
who live as Germans.

They do not worship
or behave as Jews, but...

...have some quantity of blood.
- The genetic Jew.

In those cases,
we'll examine each determination...

...and perhaps revoke their exemption.
- The Nuremberg Laws...
- Whoever receives exemption...

...better have extraordinary merits,
not just a German parent, husband or wife.

Those who are exempt from evacuation,
they too will fall in certain categories...

Could you, General... Sorry.
I have the real feeling I evacuated 30,000
Jews already, by shooting them at Riga.

Is what I did evacuation?
