Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles

you gotta stop hangin'
around that pub.

[ Sighs ]
Who taught you that? Nugget?

- Find anything fishy?
- Yeah. Listen to this.

Silvergate Pictures make their
first movie, right? LethalAgent.

It's a total bomb.
So the very next picture
they make is LethalAgent II...

which, of course, goes straight
to video where no one rents it.

And guess what they're doing now
to save their reputation?

- Uh--
- Yeah.

I don't know.
Did Tom talk to these guys?

Yeah. I think he spoke to everybody
from the president of the studio down.

That's when he seemed to get
really excited about the story.

All I can see here is a bunch of
really dumb business decisions.

But, of course,
that's not illegal.

Well, you know, that's
the research I did for him.

Whatever Tom was working on
isprobably in his P. C.

I can get the disk from his house,
ifyou're interested.

That'd be great.
And I notice they're having a "meet and
greet" for press and industry people.

Do you know who would
normally cover that?

Fay Olson does entertainment.
Okay. Tell her she can have
the night off, and I'll fill in.

- Hey, Dad, what sort ofcaris that?
- I can't look now, mate.

These California people are
nice and friendly and polite...

till they get in their cars, then
they turn into crazed wombats.

Quick, Dad, stop,
there's a dog in the road.

- So where's the dog?
- He ducked in there.

I'll get him.
Be careful.
All right, everybody, stay back.
Don't worry, we'll get him.
