Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles

G'day. Mick Dundee.
Here to pick up my ankle biter.
It's his first day.

Ah, Barry Katz.
What, uh, grade's he in?

- Uh, fourth.
- Oh, same as my boy.

My boy's in the third.
Eric Berry.

- Hi, Eric.
- Well, you look like an outdoorsman.

What do you think of this
whole survival camp idea?

What is it?
The school's puttin' it on this summer.
Teach kids how to survive in the woods.

Fishing, making campfires.
Dads are welcome.

- Oh.
- [Eric ] I think it's a great idea.

Gives them a chance to get in touch
with nature. I'm gonna take Gary along.

Good for you.
Couple ofweeks in the bush,

you and your boy,
you'll both love it.

You ever take your boy into the outback
where you were? Down under?

All the time.
Just last month,
I took him into the bush.

Taught him how to kill
a wild boarwith a stick.

Kill a boar?
But he's, like, nine years old!

Yeah, well, you know what they say.
Better late than never, eh?

See you later, fellas.

Hey, Dad. Ms. Mathis wants to talk
to you. I'll meet you over there.

- Dorothy Mathis, Mr. Charleton.
- Oh, how do you do?

Actually, it's Mick Dundee.
But I'm Mikey's dad.

Oh, Mr. Dundee. Right.
Well, first off, Mikey is
a lovely boy. Bright, friendly.

There's just one small problem,
one we run into all the time here.

We call it
the "Hollywood Syndrome. "

Like when a dad plays
a policeman in a movie,

the children often believe
he's actually a policeman.

Oh, right, you've got
a lot of actors' kids here.

I'm not in the movie business, I'm in
the tourism business. Not so glamorous.

Exactly. Which is why
your son tries to make it...

sound a bit more colorful
than it really is.

Now, it seems harmless,
but little fibs can grow.

What's he been sayin'?
