
Yeah, yeah...
I promise. Bye

Oona. O.K.
Let's make up a job for you

Let's say you had to go from
the Gardens to the Kamppi Center

You have twenty seconds,
full blast

Through Kaisaniemi St
to Simo St and so on...

But if I was in a rush,
I'd sneak through the train station...

Then up the hill,
past the Post Office

Central Station is a bitch,
from there it's easy

Past the hotel and the Tennis Palace,
straight on, and what did you say...

The Kamppi Center?
The one next to the SAS Hotel?

Yup, the ugly one
You think you can handle the job?
- Absolutely

Vamos said Tori Amos
What the fuck...
I'll have my revenge
Good looking, eh?
Student charm.
- What's wrong with student charm?

Summer crop, but when fall comes...
- What about the fall?

- So you can show Oona the ropes

I'll go!
- O.K. You're on

Have you cycled for long?
MTB for years, but I just bought
a racer. - Tough sport

And you?
- 15 thousand a year

What size is your head?
- I don't know

It's funny how few people
know the size of their head

Helena at the Cable Factory.
The client has moved
